YURODIVY – Aphos | 12″

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Itawak Records (ITAWAK006), Dead punx, Dead Stallion & The Battalion Million, Dingleberry Recs, Maniyax Records, Rad Nauseam, Wooaaargh, Skatepizza


For those willing to persist and explore, “Aphos” is a work of intelligence, crafted with frenzy, but also great care. (www.idioteq.com)

They still use the tools of the trade: loud, dissonant guitars, organic drums, unpolished screams. It’s just that these guys open up the box of Legos and throw out the instructions. Animals. (metaltrenches.com)

Recorded @ Kawati Studios by Benjamin Moreau, Mix & Mastering by Arco Trauma, Artwork by Valérie Etterlen http://valerieetterlen.com/

Informations complémentaires

Poids 350 g

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