GRAND DETOUR – Tripalium | 12″


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Sieve Sand Records, Desertion Records, Autumn Leaves Records, Dingleberry Records, Dreamingorilla Records, Vox Project, Voice Of The Unheard, Emergence, Unlock Yourself Records, La Cellule Records

Grand Detour is a great hard post-rock band from south of France. They illustrate themself with their acclamate 12″. Grand détour as an excuse to hit the road, being in a van for hours, see countries we never went before, cross borders far away from home, meet new people, new faces, taste new flavours smell new odours hear new melodies, new voices, new harmonies. Some of us did real « detours » to built and feed this band. Hours on a train during a year, just to play music with friends. Friends that gives you enough energy to take hard decisions like moving back to the city you’ve left few years before.

« Il va falloir encaisser les freinages, les virages, les larsens, les saturations, les écarts de conduite, les nids de poule, les accélérations et que le voyage est plus intéressant que la destination. Au final, peu importe où et dans quel état tu te retrouves, tu remonteras faire un tour jugeant que le détour n’aura pas encore été grand. » (w-fenec)
